Get Videos on Google with Schema Markup. Easy How-To Guide
All Search Engines have been supporting video schema markup for years but still many websites do not take advantage of its benefits.
Using video schema markup can tell search engines more about your videos. Things like: duration, who has made it and even to put in a video transcript.
In this post I will share with you few easy steps we use to show our videos in the Standard video Google rich results.

Easy How-To Video Structured Data Implementation
Time needed: 30 minutes
Better Search Visibility with Video Schema Markup. Easy How-To Step by Step Implementation
- The Code Snippet
There are different options for implementing structured data. We use JSON-LD format. Also, the number of available Properties is quite extensive, but we decided to stick to the minimum. Anyway, you can check the full list of all the parameters you can use with the video schema markup on this page.
At the end of the post there is a code snippet that you can use as a basic implementation, just copy it and fill in your data. To edit, use some source code editor or just Notepad. - Always Test the Code
When you are ready go to the rich results testing tool. Paste your code and test. Correct errors if necessary until validation passes.
- Add the Structured Data to Your Website
This can be done in different ways. For example, for the WordPress website, a custom HTML block can be used.
- Do NOT Forget to Inspect the Live URL
Use again the rich results testing tool.
- Google Search Console is Your Best Friend
Index and Monitor the rich results with Search Console
- Enjoy the Google Results
In no time, you should be able to see the video listed in the standard video rich results
Simple Video Structured Data Code Snippet Template
Be sure to update the correct upload date and duration. You can see all the parameters you can use with the video schema markup on this page.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context": "",
"@type": "VideoObject",
"description": "YOUR VIDEO DESCRIPTION",
"thumbnailUrl": [
"uploadDate": "2021-02-19T00:00:00+01:00",
"duration": "PT1M30S",
"embedUrl": " VIDEO LINK"
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