I do not mind being approached offering me your services. On a contrary, I would love to!
But if you try to sell me something, please bear in mind I am a really fussy client!
For example, I used to receive SEO Backlink Offers from many SEO specialists. In one moment I just could not even ignore them and here you can see my public LinkedIn answer.
Now, directly to the topic.
Yesterday, 23.03.2021 I was contacted by Chase Reiner, owner of Chase Reiner Marketing on LinkedIn. I immediately accepted his invitation as I had read some of his Facebook posts and there, there were interesting things. Sadly, I never had time to visit his website or watch the videos that he constantly promotes…
You can read my answer below. It is a direct copy of the chat and is full of errors (spelling, grammar, etc.)😞
Marin Popov sent the following messages at 4:55 PM
Hey, Chase
Happy to connect with you
The true is already follow some of your posts in a Facebook group which I will not name 🙂
I will have a look on it with pleasure, will compare with mine and if u really insist, I do not mind to drop u few lines to share my thoughts
Marin Popov 7:02 AM
Hi Chase, as I have promised, finally I had time to visit your website and to try to see your checklist…unfortunately could not receive the mail. 🙁 if you want I really to have a look and share my opinion u can send it here as an attached file
On the other side if you trying to sell me your services, I am sorry but I should disappoint.
As I said, I have been following your comments on Facebook, unfortunately never had time to visit your website or watch your videos. I am sure they are great, but referring to the website, if it was me I would try to find time and fix some issues. Why? – I believe that our own websites should be a good example of what we recommend to our clients.
Referring to checklists and methodical work, of course if you want to see how and what I do …there a lot of examples on my site including audits etc. they are separated in technical, structure, on-page and off-page. Later today I promise to put online mine to everyone that needs some initial SEO
have a nice day
As promised above, here is a link to the Absolutely Free SEO Technical Audit Checklist. NO subscription or email required. Download in PDF format.
Now I want to show you some things that I have seen in my 3 minute visit on his site. (of course, it took me a lot longer to take the screenshots and make this post)
Not desktop friendly website
It is true that I am getting old but the 2.1rem font size for paragraphs is too much for a 17” laptop screen and especially when the base font size is 16px!
I tried to read but … I definitely started to get annoyed so I checked the rest. The site is really small, at least the parts you could easily navigate to.
Errors of all types everywhere
(A good way to discover all kinds of problems you may have is simply by hiring our audit services.)
Let’s take for example the LEARN page.
There are many issues, including JavaScript errors, but the most disturbing thing for me was the use of multiple H1 tags: 3 times. In my opinion, using headings as a “style” technique is a bit strange nowadays.
No Video Structured data
An important part of his strategy is a YouTube channel and I expected to see the corresponding Schema markup on the page – obviously I was wrong.
Unexpected links in the header
The link will send you to a type of page that I particularly love. 😍
Something generally not wrong but not perfect either
Disallowing internal pages from crawling in robots.txt.
If you want to see what we suggest please visit our “Internal site search results and Google indexing” article.
Also, I’m not sure why the same block was repeated four times:
Firstly, in particular for:
• User-agent: AdsBot-Google;
• User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile
• User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile-Apps
And at the end for everyone:
• User-agent: *
Something I like but would do a little differently
Adding images to an existing sitemap helps Google discover images that might not otherwise be able to find, but I would personally put them on a separate sitemap.
In the end I want to emphasize that I don’t think we are perfect but at least we do our best without trying to sell our services to colleagues!
For example, for the last 24 hours, we have had problems with our optimization plugin and our core vitals are not vital at all. 😄 😄 😄