What is 302 Redirect? When Should You Use 302 Redirects?

A 302 Redirect is an instruction handled by a web server that redirects browsers from one URL to another. 302 redirect is typically used when redirection is considered temporary. If you expect the content to remain at the new URL, then a permanent redirect should be used (301). According to Google, any redirect of type 30x passes the value of the link to the new URL.

302 Redirect FAQ

What is 302 Redirect?

The HTTP 302 Found redirect status response code indicates that the resource requested has been temporarily moved.

When Should You Use 302 Redirects?

You would use this type of redirect if you want to send users to a new site or page for a short period of time.

Which is better 301 or 302 redirect?

Each redirect has a different purpose. For a permanent change that will rank for SEO, a 301 redirect is necessary and the 302 redirect should only be used if it is a temporary change, as unlike the permanent 301 redirect, the 302 is not cached.

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